Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Fine Print

Okay, so it's not really fine print.

But just to give you a little background . . .

In July 2009, my mom's non-malignant brain tumor had worsened to the extent that she could no longer care for herself, and she didn't have long to live. So, as the only daughter, I traveled to Arkansas and spent 9 months there to be with her, and to take care of business afterward. There is a dearth of entertainment in my hometown, so I turned to cooking as both a way to relieve stress and as a creative outlet.

I've always enjoyed cooking when I have time, but the past few years involved eating out WAY more than cooking at home. As an attorney, my free time is sometimes in short supply. But, since my Arkansas time, I've really come to enjoy and appreciate the ability to control what I eat -- from the ingredients to the preparation. So it's worth the time and effort to me.

Now, I certainly don't profess to be the absolute healthiest cook (I'm no stranger to bacon), but if my latest blood tests are any indication, then I'm certainly doing something right. There must be something to that research on olive oil and red wine -- two staples of my diet!

And a final note -- I am the world's worst at measuring! I generally just don't do it. But for the sake of these recipes, I'm giving you what should be fairly close estimates. But remember -- your tastes and mine could be vastly different, so although I'm including amounts (usually), you won't hurt my feelings if you feel the need to adjust the quantities. Or the ingredients. Cooking -- for me -- is all about individual taste and personal style. Everything is always "to taste."

So, enjoy the recipes and feel free to comment on any changes you make in your own preps. Wishing you happy and creative cooking - from my cocina to yours.

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